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By Paris for I-Net Dynamics

More than Just Light and Easy

Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP), is being applied more and more widely, mainly because of its flexibility and the ability to reduce IT infrastructure investment. Cloud computing has made ERP licensing, deployment and upgrade much simpler than it is in the past.

Research firm, Gartner, carried out a survey on the adoption of Cloud ERP. The findings which were published in 2014 showed 47% of companies surveyed were planning to move their ERP systems to the cloud before 2020. Moreover, hybrid models of Cloud ERP can boost the adoption even faster.

Besides the well-known benefit of fast deployment and hardware dependence, Cloud based ERP brings about many other underrated advantages that can boost business’ competitiveness in this ever-demanding market.
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Top-rated Security Level

Yet, one of the main objections to Cloud ERP involves the security concerns of placing sensitive financial data out of the premise and in the “cloud because they assume that the “cloud” is vague and does not guarantee privacy.

However, that is quite the opposite, Cloud ERPs actually utilize top-rated security measures to protect your confidential data. Data centers, the technology behind “Cloud” is built with bundled layers of security platforms almost impossible and costly for on-premise environments to achieve. With Cloud ERP, you might not be able to “see” your data next to you, but you can be at peace knowing it is stored in an ISO certified data center.

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Provide All-in-one Service

Adding on to the top notch security level, by hosting the ERP system on Cloud, companies will also receive all-rounded service from their service provider. The trusted hosting partner should look after the daily backup, performance report, IT patches and on-going support to ensure the hosted ERP system is well taken care of.

With less time required for IT infrastructures of ERP, in-house IT personnel will be able to work on important initiatives and support users’ day-to-day operations.

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Increase Mobility

The workforce today is without doubt, getting more mobile. The demand for users to have the ability to access ERP system on the go and update it with real time information is increasing rapidly. Cloud ERP allows sales order to be tracked, inventory to be updated and other important information to be accessed anytime, from any device.

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Simplify Future Planning

The traditional setup of an ERP software requires the specifications for at least 3 – 5 years down the road to cater for future plans or any unexpected new business opportunity. This is necessary, however, it is also costly and the resources are wasted standing on your premise without being used. Cloud ERP together with its scalability and flexibility solves this problem by accommodating to the growth of your business. Instead of taking several weeks, Cloud ERP will only require a few days for specifications to be adjusted.

Companies with Cloud ERP can also plan for office relocations or renovations without worrying about moving giant infrastructure of their ERP system.

The cloud represents the future of ERP that at the same time can increase the level of customer satisfaction as well as free companies from complex and costly infrastructure installation. Changes, or anything new to business can raise a big question but with the recent rapid acceptance, Cloud ERP is slowly winning the market.

i-Net Dynamics has been a partner of Microsoft Dynamics GP and assisting companies in the implementation of ERP systems for 23 years with more than 200 customers in the APAC region. As a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, we are focused on hosting the renowned ERP system to provide to our clients with the best technology and services.


For more information about Cloud Hosting, please click here.

If you want to understand more about Microsoft Dynamics GP, please click here.

Feel free to contact us if you like to find out what Dynamics GP’s ERP system and I-Net Dynamics can for you. 

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